The mechanism of internal/ external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time-bound and efficient

DME follows the exam guidelines issued by the affiliating university. At the institutional level, the internal examination committee is constituted for the smooth conduct of the exams. The committee is headed by the HoDs and members are teaching, and non-teaching members.  The committee ensures the smooth conduct of internal exams theory and lab papers and external lab/ viva exams of GGSIPU. The end-term theory semester exams are conducted by GGSIPU at the allotted centers. The subject teachers apprise students about the syllabus and evaluation scheme both for internal and external examinations proposed by the university. Internal mid-term exams are conducted each semester after six weeks of teaching. The first two units are covered in the internal exams. The faculty members inform students about the class assignments, presentations, lab file preparation & viva which is a necessary component of the continuous assessment of students.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism [Internal Exams]: The internal exam announcement notices, date sheet, syllabus for internal exams, and seating plans are uploaded on ERP for transparent and timely communication. The faculty members evaluate the answer sheets within seven days of the conduct of the exam. Answer sheets are shown in the class, on a pre-specified date. All students’ queries related to the evaluation are cleared during the session. Students post clearing all doubts sign the attendance sheet.

Those students who still feel dissatisfied with their internal marks, or further have queries related to paper checking patterns, or did not receive adequate solutions from the concerned subject faculty while the answer sheets were shown in the class, those students can then seek intervention from HoS. If a student is not satisfied, he/she can approach the HOS and Director through offline/online methods. Students can submit a handwritten application in this regard or send an email at

Grievance Redressal Mechanism [External Exams]:  If students have grievances related to the evaluation of university answer scripts of the external end-term exam, they have to fill re-checking form available on the university website. Students can apply for revaluation by paying the necessary processing fee to the university. The result of the re-evaluation is announced as per the university norms. The re-evaluation results are displayed on the GGSIPU website under the result announcement section.

Download Exam Grievance Redressal Form

The HoDs look after the conduct of the examination. For smooth conduct at the operational-level exam committee has been made:

The Objective:

  1. Conduct internal exams as per notifications prescribed by the affiliating university
  2. Ensuring the timely submission of internal marks via an online link and OMR
  3. Time-bound, transparent, and efficient exam-related grievance redressal
  4. Inform students about datasheets exams and results via ERP and website
  5. Coordinate with the affiliating university for external examiners for viva and lab
  6. Result Analysis and declaration of batch toppers

Assessment Process

The performance of students is assessed by internal assessment tests and semester-end examinations with 15 and 75 marks allocated to them respectively. Internal tests [Mandatory Component], viva-voce, and submission of projects/assignments/presentations, Professional Skills Development Activities.

Theory Paper


Internal Exam  = 15

External Exam  =  75

Total Marks       = 100

Pass Percentage = 40% [Internal and External Individually]


Viva/ Practical Lab/Internship/Project Work

Internal Exam  = 50/40

External Exam  =  50/60

Total Marks       = 100

Pass Percentage = 40% [Internal and External Individually]


Internal Exam Mechanism
  1. DME Announces the schedule of the internal exam as per the dates prescribed by the affiliating university
  2. Exam datasheet and duty chart decided under the supervision of HoD
  3. Exam datasheet notification through institutional ERP and website
  4. Collection and printing of questions papers as per the prescribed format
  5. Internal exam syllabus is the first two units of the prescribed syllabus
  6. Answer sheet checking in time bound manner
  7. Mandatory display of checked answer sheets to the students for query resolution and feedback for improvement
  8. Timely compilation of the internal award list and forwarding it to the affiliating university via online link or OMR
  9. Display internal award list via institutional ERP and website
  10. Time-bound, transparent, and efficient exam-related student grievance redressal


External Exam Mechanism
  1. External examination date sheets and exam centres are decided by the affiliating university
  2. Seven days of preparatory leave is given to students
  3. The declaration of results via affiliating university within two months post external examination
  4. Display of external exam results via ERP and website
  5. Theory exams comprised 75 marks and practical marks comprised of 50/60 as per the syllabus scheme course wise
  6. External examiners for viva and practical lab are appointed via the affiliating university

Exam Committee:

Exam Grievance Redressal:

Exam Grievance Redressal Form (All fields are mandatory)